Health Informatics
A world class seminar customized for you
A one-day strategic overview of information assurance and IT security issues affecting the health care industry presented by one of the nation’s leading security analysts.
This is a ground breaking event in providing vital curriculum which advances our journey to e-HIMTM1 (Electronic Health Information Management). To lead and inform the national discussion and play a pivotal role in advancing adoption of electronic medical and health records, we need to lift the veil and become fluent in knowing the nuts and bolts of the networks; where e-PHI must be confidential, have integrity and remain accessible. The creation, movement and maintenance of data and how it ultimately becomes information rely not only on IT gurus, but Health Information Management Professionals.
Who Should Attend?
HIM and other allied healthcare professionals, Information Technology specialists, members of the Health Informatics Community, Privacy, Security and Compliance Officers, Information Technology personnel, individuals involved in healthcare policy development, performance improvement specialists, educators, students, political and policy analysts, clinical data professionals, document improvement specialists and others.
8:00am-8:30am: Registration
- Reframing the Problem - a comprehensive approach to information systems in the healthcare environment
- Not just Confidentiality: how to assure availability and integrity
- The changing infrastructure: addressing the five big transitional technologies:
- IPv6, wireless everywhere, could computing, virtualization and VoIP
9:30am-10:30am: Confidentiality
- HIPAA Compliance
- Authorized Disclosures
- Encryption
- Authorized Access
- Audit Trails - of authorizations and actual disclosures
(Mid-morning 15 minute break)
10:45am: Trends & Access Control
12:00pm: Lunch Topic: Legislative Update on Federal Health Information System Initiatives; Title IV, Medical Fraud and the legislative concerns
- The Challenge of Integrity Management
- Data Normalization
- Logging it all - root sources of every data element
- Authorized reads for HIPAA, now authorized WRITES
- Testing and validation
- Corrections
2:30pm - (Mid-afternoon 15 minute break)
3:00pm: Managing availability
Sources of access interruptions
- Failures
- Attacks
- Collateral damage
- Network outages
- Servers, storage, archives
4:00pm: Technology Foundations and Trends in Exploits and Policy Gap Analysis
- Access Control
- VoIP
- IPv6
- Cloud computing
- Virtualization